1. Easily link with SharePoint and DigiOffice

Easily link with SharePoint and DigiOffice

Many of our customers use Document Management Systems (DMS) to include
organize and manage documents and drawings of their projects. Ed Controls has
its own Document Management System (DMS); the Library, and this can be used to give users access to the latest versions of drawings, installation manuals, legal documents, etc. If you have a lot of documents and/or drawings, making sure you have the latest version of a specific document available in Ed Controls can become tedious, especially if you already use a DMS in other steps in your process.

For those users who use Microsoft SharePoint and DigiOffice as their main DMS, we have created a module in Ed Controls that makes it easy to link your SharePoint and DigiOffice environment with projects in Ed Controls. With this connector between SharePoint and DigiOffice and Ed Controls, you ensure that users in Ed Controls are always using the latest versions of drawings and documents available in your own DMS.

Read on below to learn how to enable and use these links in Ed Controls.

Also read: How do I link Ed Controls with SharePoint?

Also read: How do I link Ed Controls with DigiOffice?