1. New features as of 10-02-2022

New features as of 10-02-2022

  • Previously, we have implemented that Reporters can create a ticket via web.edcontrols.com using the geographical map. This is now also available on the Mobile applications. See also: How do I create tickets on the geographical map?
  • Improvements Woningborg link. Ed Controls has a link to Woningborg’s WKI tool. Woningborg checks submitted audits for quality. We have improved two points to make working with this link easier.
  1. In order to easily see in a rejected audit which question needs improvement, it is now indicated per chapter/category which ones they are.

2. Feedback from Woningborg always appeared in a new audit. From now on, this will appear in the relevant submitted audit. So that’s how you keep everything in one place.