1. Pair Ed Controls with other building software, such as BIMLink

Pair Ed Controls with other building software, such as BIMLink

Different software packages are used for each construction project, including Ed Controls. It is, of course, highly efficient if all these software systems can exchange data. That is now possible! Ed Controls has created updates for linking to many different software programs, including BIMlink, SAP and products from Microsoft and Google.

The links to the software systems below have been extensively tested and are easy to make, often with explanations on this site:

The above list of links will be expanded in the future. Think for example of links with:

  • SAP
  • BIMLink
  • Microsoft Dynamics
  • SharePoint
  • Dropbox
  • Google Docs
  • Relatics

The API, the application programming interface, from Ed Controls allows links with much more software. This could be your company’s own system, but also another supplier. If you want to know what is possible, please contact your account manager.