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  4. Can I add an Informed to a completed audit?
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Can I add an Informed to a completed audit?

It is possible to add people with an Informed role to a completed audit without having to reopen it. This action can only be performed by Accountable and Support roles.

Here’s how to do it: 

  1. Log in via web.edcontrols.com;
  2. Open the right project;
  3. Go to the “Audits” tab;
  4. Select a completed Audit;
  5. Enter an email address in the ‘Informed’ text box;
  6. Click on ‘Save’.
  1. Sign into the Ed Controls app;
  2. Open the right project;
  3. Go to ‘Completed Audit(s)’;
  4. Select an Audit;
  5. Enter an email address in the ‘Informed’ text box;
  6. Click on ‘Save’.
Updated on 08-11-2023

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