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  4. Can I round up multiple tickets at once?
"By adding evidence to a ticket, you can ensure your own quality"

Can I round up multiple tickets at once?

Reporting a ticket ready is done by changing the status of a ticket to completed. The status of a ticket can be changed by the roles End Manager, Support and the Respondent.

The Final Manager, Support and the Respondent can report the status of multiple tickets from ”Started” to ”Completed” at once.

Here’s how it’s done:

  1. Log in via web.edcontrols.com;
  2. Filter and select the tickets in the list that you want to report ready;
  3. At the top of the screen you will now see how many tickets you have selected, after this select the ‘change status’ green square icon;
  4. The selected tickets have now been reported ready.
Updated on 11-11-2022

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