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"We work in close collaboration with our users to achieve the best possible version of Ed Controls!"

Help us make Ed Controls even better!

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Ed Controls is never complete. We are continually working to further develop the system to benefit our users. Our objective is maximum ease of use for all users with as few embellishments as possible. Help and input from our users is always greatly appreciated and incorporated whenever possible. The more ideas the better.

Ed Controls is made by and for people on the construction site. Ed Controls was born out of challenges faced on building sites. That’s why we’re always eager to hear your experiences.

  • Are you running into a recurring problem you’d like solved?
  • Could something could be done more efficiently or effectively?
  • Do you have an idea that would benefit everyone on the building site?

You can share your story with us using the form below. Your input can be shared as a ‘User Story’. By doing this, you place the emphasis of your story on the reason and the ‘why’. By buidling a solid foundation, devising a solution will be easier in the long run. Just leave the Ed Controls team to work out the solution. You can use the following format as a handle for your User Story: As a -ROLE-, I want -IDEA-, because -REASON-.

Example User Story: As a mobile user of Ed Controls, I want to be able to search by project name so I can easily find the project I want to work on.

Form for sending a User Story:

Change request

Note: Sharing a User Story does not mean that something will automatically be done with it. You will be kept informed via email.

Updated on 16-06-2021

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