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  4. How do I add a consulted person?
"A Consulted can be added at the project level in the project settings."

How do I add a consulted person?

A Consulted can be added at the project level in the project settings. Only Administrators and Leaders can change these project settings.

Here’s how it goes:

  1. Log into web.edcontrols.com ;
  2. Hover the mouse over the project tile of the relevant project;
  3. Click on the pencil icon in the lower left corner of the project tile;
  4. Enter the email address of the person you want to add under the heading Support;
  5. Press enter to confirm the e-mail address;
  6. Save the changes.

In addition, a Consulted can also be added at the ticket level by both the Ultimate Responsible Party, the Support and the Responsible Party for that ticket.

  1. Open the desired ticket;
  2. Click on the drop down menu (arrow), right to the Responsible;
  3. Click on ‘Display consulted’;
  4. Now add the Consulted to the ticket.

Tip: If the Consulted needs retroactive access to all tickets in a project, our Support team can help with that. Click on the right: Ask your question or call us.

Updated on 21-03-2022

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