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  4. How do I label a file?
"The filter option makes labelling in Ed Controls uncluttered."

How do I label a file?

A file can be labelled via web.edcontrols.com.

Here’s how it goes:

  1. Log in via web.edcontrols.com;
  2. Enter the correct project;
  3. Click on the Library tab;
  4. Find the correct file in the list;
  5. Click the file name;
  6. Above the timeline, click ‘Add a label’;
  7. Enter the label;
  8. Press enter to confirm the label.

Note: It is possible to label multiple files simultaneously. To do this, select the correct files and click on the ‘Add label’ button.

Tip: If you want to work with files with a specific label, use the filter options under the ‘Library’ tab. You can filter by label and all files with that label will appear.

Updated on 30-09-2022

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