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  4. What happens when all projects are archived?
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What happens when all projects are archived?

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If there are no active projects, the contract becomes “inactive” because there are no active project or user licenses associated with it. You can then do the following:

  1. Wijzig de contractstatus door projecten te activeren. Project(en) de-archiveren: Door sommige van je projecten te de-archiveren, koop je een projectlicentie of gebruikerslicentie en wordt je contract weer actief (https://support.edcontrols.com/info/hoe-archiveer-ik-een-project/)
  2. Choose a View-only license for the contract: If you purchase a View-Only license, the Accountable, Administrator or Manager can view and export all the projects in the contract through the Ed Controls web environment.
  3. Contract verwijderen: Indien je geen toegang meer nodig hebt tot je projecten, kun je ook je projecten en dus je contract te verwijderen. De data kan je in de vorm van PDF en Excel exporteren (https://support.edcontrols.com/info/hoe-print-ik-een-ticket/ )

Why a View-only license?

With a View-only license, Ed Controls ensures that your project data is securely stored and keeps up with periodic maintenance and ongoing development of our services. You can also, as an Accountable, Administrator or Manager, find something, making good use of the various search functions in Ed Controls. This is easier than finding data in all kinds of pdf or excel documents.

Ideally, of course, we want you to continue to use our normal licenses to easily capture information and communicate with Ed Controls.

Updated on 16-09-2024

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