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  4. How do I report a ticket as completed?
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  3. Tickets & Drawings
  4. How do I report a ticket as completed?
"You can guarantee your own quality by adding evidence of proper completion."

How do I report a ticket as completed?

You can report a ticket as completed by changing the ticket’s status. The status of a ticket can be changed by the Accountable, Support and Responsible roles.

As a Responsible for a ticket, you can report a ticket completed once you have finished the work. The Accountable and/or Support will then be informed.

  1. Sign into the application;
  2. Make sure the correct project is downloaded on your device;
  3. Enter the project by clicking on the relevant tile;
  4. Click on a ticket;
  5. Click on the status;
  6. Select ‘Completed’;
  7. Add a comment, photo, and/or attachment to the timeline as evidence;
  8. Save the ticket in the top right of the screen.
  1. Log in via web.edcontrols.com;
  2. Choose a project;
  3. Click on a ticket;
  4. Click on the status;
  5. Select ‘Completed’;
  6. Add a comment and/or attachment to the timeline as evidence;
  7. Click save at the bottom of the ticket.

Also read: How do I archive a ticket?

Updated on 25-08-2021

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