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"Set how often you want to receive an e-mail."

Why am I receiving e-mails from Ed Controls with project updates?

Ed Controls notifies you when changes and/or updates require your attention in Ed Controls.

If your e-mail address is used in Ed Controls, we notify you when changes have been made. The e-mail informs you in which project the change was made, related to which drawing and/or audit and what actually happened.

Click on the link to the ticket or the audit and you will be led directly to Ed Controls. After logging in, you will find yourself at the right spot.

The Administrator or Accountable can choose in the project settings whether emails with project updates and changes within this project should be sent to all relevant users or not.

Plese note: The e-mail does not show who sent the update. But you can find that out in the timeline of the ticket or the audit itself.

Also read: How often do I receive an e-mail with updates?

Updated on 23-02-2024
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