Managing fire safety

Both large and small renovations have always been carried out at the UMC  Utrecht, one of the largest hospitals in the Netherlands. Drilling through fire compartments is therefore commonplace. UMC Utrecht uses Ed Controls to keep this process under control, thus managing fire safety at all times.


In this article:

  • Fire safety has the highest priority within UMC Utrecht;

  • Drilling takes place on a daily basis;

  • Small holes close the company fire brigade, large one does fire safety company HooVos;

  • With Ed Controls, the project manager makes a logbook for the fire brigade.


Ed Controls helps Linnebank to manage the process. Each passage is digitally recorded and linked to a location on the drawing. The system automatically creates a code (TicketID) for each passage.

This code is then printed on a sticker, which is affixed to the passage, making it very easy to track the history of the ticket in the system. If a sticker gets lost, both the passage and the code can always be found in Ed Controls.

All penetrations of fire compartments in a digital logbook

The project manager also considers it a major advantage that a complete logbook is built up and can easily be passed on to the fire brigade. ‘They can see the status of the fire barriers at the push of a button, which is very important for our operating permit,’ he emphasises.

The fire safety company HooVos carries the ultimate responsibility and monitors the quality of the work carried out by the fire brigade. ‘I consider Ed Controls to be the most user-friendly compared with other systems. In addition, the placeholder for the tickets is the most precise. That makes our work much easier,’ says Gerwin Hoogendoorn, head of HooVos.

Linnebank also considers himself a satisfied customer. “Firefighters don’t want any surprises. They like being able to sort things out as effectively as possible, and this tool allows this to happen. To be honest, I don’t know how we’d manage without Ed Controls.”